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firefox 3.6,
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Friday, February 05, 2010
By default with Ubuntu Karmik Koala is coming the browser Firefox 3.5. But as you already know, and if you don't know now you find out, that Firefox 3.6 is out and ready to be installed on your Ubuntu system.
It's not hard at all! What you have to do is just to open a Gnome-Terminal and write this lines:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
your file with all the repository has just opened! Paste this lines in the end of the file:
deb karmic main
deb-src karmic main
After this save and close the sources.list file.
What you have to do next is to update the repository list and also to install the beautiful browser.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox-3.6
You can launch the browser from Applications -> Internet -> Namoroka Web Browser.
It could happen that a window show up asking if you
want to import your bookmarks and other settings from Firefox 3.5. I've pressed the Import Settings button but you can do how it's best for you!
But to be honest I have to say that I don't use Firefox 3.6! I use Swiftfox 3.6! This is an optimized Mozilla Firefox for Linux. If you want to know more about this awesome browser called Swiftfox enter on
By the way, WebUpd8 is a very very good Linux site.